to the Pregnancy Resource Center
of Carroll, Haralson and Heard.
Your financial giving enables us to "Speak up for those who can not speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed." Proverbs 31:8 NLT

Would you like to assist us with our wish list?
- Bottles
- Bottle Drying Racks
- Pacifiers (0-6 months)
- Baby Wash
- Baby Shampoo
- Baby Lotion
- Baby Washcloths
- Hooded Towels
- Boy/Girl Receiving Blankets
- Nursing Mother Cloths
- Nursing Pads
- Diaper Bags
- Diaper Rash Ointment
- Baby Wipes
- Diapers Size: Newborn, One, Four, Five
- Baby Gowns That Tie At The Bottom
- Small Ultrasound Picture Frames
- Gently Used Clothing (0-24 months)
- Easy To Read Translation Bibles
- Devotionals For Women
If you would like to purchase from our Wishlist, please contact Ashley at ahembree@pregnancyrc.com

Through donating the items on our wishlist, you are able to help us upkeep our center and serve our clients through our different free services.
You can send your donated items to the following address:
514 Tanner Street
Carrollton, Georgia 30117

Have Questions About Donating? We're Here To Help.
We made a video answering frequently asked questions our donors ask! If you have more questions regarding this topic, please email Kellie at devdirector@pregnancyrc.com

PRC Tours
Looking for a way to learn more about what we do here at the Pregnancy Resource Center of Carroll, Haralson and Heard? Join us for one of our tours. Each tour is marked by a wonderful presence of the Lord, as you meet other like-minded business professionals and community members who come together to learn how they can plug into our ministry to change lives.
Sponsor one of our tours to help spread the word about our mission and put YOUR business name in front of some of the most influential people in our community.
For more Attendance or Sponsorship information, contact Kellie at devdirector@pregnancyrc.com