When Should I Take a Medical Grade Pregnancy Test?
We get it.
Wondering when to take a pregnancy test is a nerve wracking experience. We know you have lots of questions.
Is an at home pregnancy test enough? Am I better off to take a serum (blood) pregnancy test versus a urine pregnancy test? What's the difference between an at home pregnancy test and a medical grade one?
You're not alone. We hear these questions every single day from women just like you.
The common tendency we often see paired with these questions is this: an extreme sense of urgency. Regardless if the pregnancy was unintended or not, many women feel severe initial panic.
Rightfully so, like we said, we totally get it.
That's why in this article we'll address exactly when you should take a medical grade pregnancy test (30 days after the first day of your last period btw), the difference between a serum (blood) pregnancy test and a urine pregnancy test, and why you should take a deep breath and manage your stress.
When It's Time
We make every single one of our patients wait 30 days after the first day of their last period to take a pregnancy test. Why? Because it's generally best practice.
During pregnancy, one of your body's hormones, called Human Chorionic Gonadatrophin (hCG), levels begin to increase. From the day of conception to the first day of a missed period, this hormone continues to drastically increase. However, the most growth hCG has is 1-3 days before your missed period. The concentration levels of hCG in those last few days can nearly double or triple.
Why does hCG matter?
You probably guessed it. Both urine and blood pregnancy tests alike use this hormone to determine a positive or negative result.
Serum (Blood) Pregnancy Testing vs. Urine Pregnancy Testing
Serum (blood) pregnancy testing shows results sooner in pregnancy. A blood pregnancy test, compared to a urine test, will pick up the specific hCG level. This reading can give greater insight into how far along the pregnancy is.
However, by the time a woman may even suspect being pregnant (when she has missed her period), a urine pregnancy test is usually sufficient because of the higher concentrate of hCG. Because remember, hCG can nearly double or triple in the last few days leading up to a missed period.
While in certain circumstances a blood pregnancy test is deemed more necessary by medical professionals, a lot of the times a urine pregnancy test is the first resource.
Generally blood pregnancy testing is also more expensive. At our clinic you can receive a free and confidential medical grade urine pregnancy test free of charge. Click here to learn more about how you can schedule an appointment and speak to a medical professional.
Managing Stress
Whether the pregnancy test is positive or negative, planned or unplanned, we care about you.
Because we care about you, we want you to take care of yourself. That includes taking care of your mental and emotional health, too.
So pause, right now, and take a moment to inhale and exhale deeply.
Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Hold.
Do this a few times, we'll wait💕.
You are someone of great worth.
Regardless of the circumstances, the test results or the daunting future, everything will be okay. Even if it doesn't feel like it right now.
We encourage every woman we meet to sit down and speak with one of our trained professionals. In a quiet confidential setting, they are there to help you with whatever emotional or mental struggles you may be facing.
Because let's face it. Stress truly is just a form of fear.
Fear has no place in your pregnancy.
Written by
Roxanne Bright, RN, Nurse Manager
Amber George, Community and Marketing Coordinator